A Year in Pictures & Videos 2021-2022
Photo links below include both photos and videos of the events and can be downloaded for your convenience.
Photos and videos will be added to albums throughout the year, so check back often.
The photos that contain Toki Lee Photography may be used on your social media posts, but as a professional courtesy, please tag Toki Lee Photography in your post. Thank you!
Upload and share your ACHS Music photos & videos
Our Google Photos Upload Folder is now available if you have photos or videos from our music events that you would like to share with our community. To add your photos and videos, simply click the link below and follow the simple directions you will find on the page. When uploading, please upload photos and videos from one event at a time (multiple files can be uploaded simultaneously). This helps us sort them out for the proper sections on the website. Thanks for supporting Camarillo Music.
All Videos
ACHS Marching Scorpions, Football Game vs. Paraclete, October 8, 2021

ACHS Marching Scorpions, Football Game vs. Paraclete, October 8, 2021

ACHS 2021 Graduation Band Ensemble

ACHS 2021 Graduation Band Ensemble